With COVID-19 not yet in our rear-view mirror, there has never been a more poignant time to look at strengthening families. The Offord Centre for Child Studies out of McMaster University has collaborated with four mental health agencies to launch a parenting and family support study. The overall goal is to take a closer look at two new parenting programs and get an understanding if families benefit from either, or both.
Both the Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) and Circle of Security Parenting Program (COSP) offer ways for parents and caregivers to develop practical skills, which can help decrease challenging behaviours and emotions in young children, and help, better the families’ relationship. Research suggests that parenting programs can improve emotional and behavioural adjustment of children and enhance the psychosocial well-being of parents. By taking part in this study, parents/caregivers may find they feel more positive about themselves and caregiving skills and strategies, but also helping other parents/caregivers in the future.
The research study is actively looking for families with children aged 2 -6 to enrol in this study. In recognition of the time and effort as participants in the study, parents will receive gift cards for completing required interviews.
If you are interested in learning more about these programs please go to raisingstrongkids.ca or call our toll free number at 833-511-2628!
Website: www.raisingstrongkids.ca
Toll Free Number: 833-511-2628
Email: [email protected]